Monday, May 15, 2017

Indian Clothes

For Ladies

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modern lehenga


A beautiful top and skirt. There are modern lehengas too, like the pink one. The other one is a traditional typical lehenga which Indians have been wearing for years.

Image result for typical lehenga


Image result for sariThe most traditional and typical dress for women in India. Nowadays they usually wear it on special occasions but before, the women used to wear a sari as a daily dress.

Image result for sari

here is a short video on how to wear a sari

For Men


A long shirt with either tight or loose pajamas with it. Men usually wear it for special occasions.

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Image result for indian clothes men
a groom


Image result for lungiA lungi is a traditional garment worn around the waist. Even though you won't find anyone wearing it in a city, if you go to the countryside you can find a lot of men wearing a lungi.

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